USE A CRADLE: ‘DISAPPOINT’ cyclists peering into cabs with cameras says taxi reps LTDA
Updated: Mar 5, 2023

London taxi representatives have urged cab drivers to ‘disappoint’ cyclists peering into black cabs hoping to catch out motorists incorrectly using their mobile devices.
Since 25 March 2022, motorists are breaking the law if they use a handheld mobile phone behind the wheel for any use, including to accept digital fare bookings, after the Government closed a loophole previously exploited by dangerous drivers to escape conviction.
Anyone found using their hand-held device while driving could face a fine of up to £1,000 as well as 6 points on their licence or a full driving ban.
The Licensed Taxi Driver’s Association (LTDA) have suggested that as many as NINTY PERCENT of reports against taxi drivers made to the police are coming from cyclists armed with video helmets.
An LTDA spokesperson said in TAXI Newspaper: “We would like to remind drivers to be extremely careful out there and never to touch or use your phone unless it is in a cradle, it can never, ever be held in your hand.
“There are more and more camera wearing cycling vigilantes who spend their time riding in the traffic desperately trying to film motorists, and particularly cabbies using or touching a phone.
“These keyboard warriors then upload the footage to dedicated police portals, the Police then issue a Notice of Intended Prosecution, followed by a penalty charge notice, this is a mandatory 6 points on your DVLA licence, almost certainly followed by your taxi licence being revoked by TfL!
“They have dedicated Twitter accounts, where they openly boast about how many cabbies they have 'caught' and revel in the fact that inevitably these drivers will lose their licence and take great pleasure in defaming the reputation of the trade.
“Disappoint them, ruin their day, don’t let them catch you-keep it in a cradle!”
What constitutes ’USING’ a mobile phone?
According to the text of the Statutory Instruments, the meaning of ‘using’ a phone covers the following:
illuminating the screen
checking the time
checking notifications
unlocking the device
making, receiving, or rejecting a telephone or internet based call
sending, receiving or uploading oral or written content
sending, receiving or uploading a photo or video
utilising camera, video, or sound recording
drafting any text
accessing any stored data such as documents, books, audio files, photos, videos, films, playlists, notes or messages
accessing an app
accessing the internet.