WHAT A "TERRIBLE STATE": Suspected drink driver found with his car's tyres ripped to pieces
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WHAT A "TERRIBLE STATE": Suspected drink driver found with his car's tyres ripped to pieces

Image credit : North Yorkshire Police

A driver has been arrested on suspicion of drink and drug driving after officers from North Yorkshire Police found his vehicle to be in a "terrible state".

Pictures of the vehicle, a Land Rover, were posted on the force's official Facebook page, showing a number of the vehicle's tyres completely ripped to pieces.

In addition to the suspected offence of driving while under the influence of alcohol and drugs, the man was also arrested on suspicion of possession of a Class-A drug, dangerous driving and driving without insurance.

A spokesperson for North Yorkshire Police said: "Not a good start to today for this driver.

"We found him on the A59 at Kirk Hammerton in the early hours of this morning. His Land Rover was in this terrible state.

"He's been arrested on suspicion of:

  • Drink driving

  • Drug driving

  • Possession of a class-A drug

  • Dangerous driving

  • Driving without insurance

Image credit : North Yorkshire Police

"If you suspect someone is driving while drunk or on drugs, tell us. Call us on 101 or 999 if it's happening right now."

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