Wolverhampton Council compliance officers patrol London to check cross-border private hire vehicles
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Wolverhampton Council compliance officers patrol London to check cross-border private hire vehicles

Image credit: WV Public Protection

City of Wolverhampton Council compliance officers were deployed in London over the weekend to conduct checks on licensed private hire vehicles (PHVs) operating cross-border.

This move highlights ongoing efforts to effectively regulate the private hire industry from outside of its licensing authority borders.

Cross-border hiring refers to the operation of private hire vehicles and drivers licensed in one area but working in another. This practice has become increasingly common, particularly in large urban cities. However, it has sparked controversy due to regulatory and safety concerns. Different licensing authorities have varying localised standards and regulations, which can lead to inconsistencies in the quality of PHV services. Additionally, local drivers often raise concerns about the competition from drivers licensed in other areas, potentially impacting local businesses and employment.

The patrol by Wolverhampton Council's compliance officers in central London on Saturday 6 January, was part of an initiative to ensure that PHVs operating cross-border adhere to the required standards set in Wolverhampton. The issue of cross-border hiring will likely remain a topic of heavy debate, with calls for clearer regulation and standardisation across different licensing areas.

A City of Wolverhampton Public Protection spokesperson said on social media: “Compliance Officers on patrol in central London earlier tonight undertaking checks on vehicles and drivers.”

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