Wolverhampton private hire driver caught using mobile phone whilst driving in Greater Manchester region
Updated: 4 days ago
A City of Wolverhampton licensed private hire driver was caught using their mobile phone whilst driving in the Greater Manchester region say police officers this week.
Greater Manchester Police's Motorcycle Unit highlighted the ongoing issue of drivers using mobile phones while on the road. Officers shared an image on social media showing a white Toyota Prius, licensed by Wolverhampton Council for private hire, caught in the act.
Using a hand-held mobile phone while driving can lead to six penalty points and a £200 fine. For those who have held their licence for less than two years, this could result in an automatic ban. The offence is considered serious, given the risks posed by drivers who are distracted behind the wheel.
For private hire drivers, the consequences can be even more severe. If caught using a phone, drivers may face not only fines and points on their licence but also scrutiny from their licensing authority. Local councils have the power to revoke or suspend a driver's private hire licence, especially if their actions compromise public safety.
Many private hire drivers operate outside their licensing areas, and it’s common to see drivers from Wolverhampton or other regions working in Greater Manchester. However, regardless of where they are licensed, the same rules apply, and enforcement remains strict.
A Greater Manchester Police Traffic spokesperson said: “Two examples of many from today for the GMPMotorcycleUnit. Still far too many people using phones hand held whilst driving.
“Put it down!!”