Woman fined for racially abusing taxi driver following a dispute over eating and drinking in cab
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Woman fined for racially abusing taxi driver following a dispute over eating and drinking in cab

A woman from Peterborough shouted racist abuse at a taxi driver, telling him to “go back to Pakistan”.

Hayleigh Elstone, 27, was picked up in a taxi from her home in Croyland Road, Walton, along with her two young children and boyfriend on the morning of 31 October last year.

The driver asked Elstone to dispose of a can of drink as he did not allow food or drink to be consumed in his car.

Elstone got rid of the can and they began their journey when she commented about having “had enough attitude from the driver this morning”.

The driver stopped the taxi and drove back to Elstone’s home and asked the family to get out due to her attitude and behaviour.

Elstone called the taxi firm to complain and order another taxi but refused to get out the car, causing the pair to argue, which they both filmed on their phones.

At one point, the footage captured Elstone saying, “people like you who come to this country and then act rude to people like this, why don’t you go back to Pakistan”.

A report was made to police and Elstone was interviewed. She admitted making the comments but denied they were racist.

However, she admitted causing harassment, alarm or distress, which was racially aggravated, at Peterborough Magistrates’ Court on Friday (1 April) and was fined £300.

PC Ellis Howe, from Peterborough’s north Neighbourhood Policing Team, said: “We have no tolerance of this kind of behaviour within our communities and where there are viable lines of enquiry we will always investigate and take action.

“If anyone is subjected to a hate crime, or witnesses one, I would urge them to make a report to us.”

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