Taxi Language
Here's a list of the most commonly used language unique to the taxi trade in London. Can you think of anymore? Are there any more outside of London?
A Churchill - Refers to a meal. Winston Churchill kindly gave cabbies the right to refuse a fare whilst eating.
B&B - Badge & Bill license check.
Berty Popped - Albert Hall emptying with possible customers.
Bill - Taxi license.
Bilker - Someone who runs off without paying.
Billy or Billies - Punter/customers.
Broom - Pushing a fare you don't want onto another driver.
Burst - Customers exiting a venue on mass.
Butterboy - A driver that has been a cabbie for less than three years.
Cabbed Out - A full rank.
Cab Law - Cab etiquette.
CabUp - Cabbie Updates via Twitter.
Clipboard Johnny - Person directing people out of venues into minicabs
Copperbottom - A taxi driver who works long hours.
DAC - Dial A Cab.
Dinosaur - A driver that doesn't use modern technology like mobile apps or take credit cards.
Dried Up - A burst has finished.
Droshky - Slang for taxi. An old horse drawn taxi.
FP - Fixed Price
Hands Up - Customers looking for taxis.
Hanging Up - Cabbies parked up with light off choosing work they want.
Hairdrier - Police officer with speed gun.
Hickory - A taxi meter.
Kojac - Police officer with speed gun.
KOL - Knowledge of London.
Legalled/Legal - Customer pays the exact fare. No tip.
Meltoned - Euston taxi rank back to Melton Street
Musher - A driver that owns their vehicle.
On & Off - Set down a customer and pick up straight away.
On Point - The taxi at the front of a rank.
Pax - Passenger.
Penguins - People attending black tie events.
POB - Passenger On Board
Putting on Foul - Over ranking.
Roader - A long distance fare.
RTG - Radio Taxis Group.
Scab - An illegal minicab.
Sherbet/Sherb - A sherbet dab slang for cab.
Showing Out - Customers looking for cabs with their hands out.
Single Pin - A single passenger.
Toes Up - Slow down for police checks.
Ubered - Ripped off by Uber.