Taxify hope to be back in London "this or next week"

Estonian minicab firm Taxify hope to be back in London either "this or next week" according to its CEO Markus Villig.
Mr Villig spoke to ERR claiming "Our plan is to launch sometime this or next week".
Taxify controversially launched its service two weeks ago despite having no operators licence. Instead the Estonian start up chose to unusually buy an existing local operator and tried operating through them as a third party booking company.
Transport for London swiftly shut Taxify down after only three days.
Whilst talking to ERR Markus Villig suggested that Transport for London required further compliance from Taxify before they were able to launch again.
TaxiPoint contacted Transport for London and a spokesperson said "They have not been licensed by TfL"
It remains to be seen as to whether Taxify have been given an operators licence by another local authority or whether they will seek another way into the London market.