A real life game of Monopoly

I can recall many-a-argument being triggered during a family game of Monopoly. Who's buying what, who owes who what and who the hell has nicked money from the bank! The stakes were always high then, and we were just scrambling for those fake notes. So can you imagine what it must be like for those who have put the real reddies on the line? Let's not beat around the bush here, well let's face it, the bush is currently filled to the brim with deceitful hidden agendas, the battle for the streets around the world is nothing more than a huge game of Monopoly. One where the greedy and obsessed, crave, desire and need to have everything! No sharing, no caring, just mine mine mine. In 2016 alone, Uber lost a staggering figure north of £1 billion. Endless amounts of cash pumped in to subsidise fares designed to crush all opposition, even at the cost of public safety. How long can this continue? Will the queue of investors continue to knock down Uber's door begging for a slice of the pie? The answer to that is no. How do we know that? Well the investment is already drying up, and this is because there isn't actually any pie. Every investment has been given on a promise. A promise that Uber will be the stand alone car transportation service on the planet. They are making their way around the monopoly board trying to buy all the cities one by one, but are finding this a much harder task than I believe they ever imagined. I think it's clear to most who have taken the time to look into the transportation industry, that the end game is a huge fleet of driverless vehicles ferrying Tom, Dick and Mary around town in cities filled with robotaxis. But here's the thing; in the same way an untrained Uber driver tackles the streets blind when empty, which is always my argument to anyone who suggests satellite navigation systems are making the traditional taxi extinct, what happens when an Uber is empty? When the driver has no instructions? The same applies to driverless vehicles. Where do these vehicles go whilst empty? Do they just stop in the middle of the road? Do they line the side of the roads like a bunch of groupies waiting outside a Justin Beiber concert? Currently Uber claims most of their drivers cover a few hours here and there, reacting to high demand. Their fleet 'apparently' is not always in full and active, but a driverless fleet would almost certainly need to be out on the roads ready for action at any given time. The cost of running a 24 hour service is likely to be huge and would almost certainly put Uber and other robo wannabes even more so in the red. What is it that these investors see in a company that loses billions every year? I don't think they even know themselves. It's most likely the fear of losing out on a promise of owning the world. With Uber's current problems around the globe, none more than in London, you can't help but think the money men and women who have made it rain Benjamins, Pinkies and Arabian Riyal over the never ending black bin liner of Uber technologies, have thrown their money down the drain. Do not pass go. Do not collect £200.