Taxi demo in London sends Theresa May a clear message
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Taxi demo in London sends Theresa May a clear message

A flash demo brought the roads surrounding the Natural History Museum to a standstill last night, after it emerged that Theresa May would be attending a function there.

An estimated 100 taxis descended upon one of London's most iconic landmarks at approximately 10pm to protest against the Government's woeful ineptitude in tackling the myriad of issues surrounding the licensed London taxi industry, as well as Theresa May's ill-conceived comments regarding Transport for London's refusal to renew Uber's licence.

There was concern from taxi drivers as to why private hire vehicles had been allowed to form a rank outside the museum, despite it being against the law, and in full view of the police.

A passer-by, upon enquiring as to why there was a protest said: "Keep on doing what you are doing, I fully support you guys, I think it's disgraceful how you (taxi drivers) are being treated."

Another person who attended the event said: "The Government haven't covered themselves in glory over this, I don't blame you for protesting,  I think there is a distinct lack of understanding from the government."

The protest was a noisy, but good natured affair, and was deemed highly successful by many who attended.  It was a clear message to Theresa May that the taxi industry has had more than enough of the Government's lack of action. 

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