Arizona’s welcoming tones dampen as state suspends Uber's self-driving cars
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Arizona’s welcoming tones dampen as state suspends Uber's self-driving cars

Arizona’s governor announced that the state will suspend Uber's self-driving vehicles as a result of the high-profile fatality involving a female pedestrian. 

Governor Doug Ducey’s decision to stop further testing will be seen as is a huge blow for the firm as its future remains focused and dependant on the success of driverless rides.

The state of Arizona had been key supporters of the new technology and facilitated around half of the firm’s driverless cars. 

In an open letter sent to the media and Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi, Governor Doug Ducey said that he found the video of the collision to be "disturbing and alarming”. 

Ducey went on to say that the fatal crash was "an unquestionable failure." 

These statements and actions are in stark contrast to those made in late 2016, when the Governor invited Uber to a state celebration, saying "Arizona welcomes Uber self-driving cars with open arms and wide open roads." 

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