Uber look to phase out diesel vehicles in London

Uber have announced that they plan to phase out the use of diesel vehicles being operated by their drivers in London by the end of 2019.
They have stated that this may be achieved by issuing a scrappage scheme for their drivers to switch to hybrid or electric vehicles, as well as other measures to be announced in the coming weeks.
The original commitment to cease using diesel vehicles was originally made in September 2017. This was on the back of Transport for London refusing to renew Ubers licence to operate.
With the upcoming court case against TFL's refusal to renew Uber's licence on the grounds of not being a "fit and proper" operator, it could be argued that Uber are trying to smooth the path to a successful appeal outcome and show that they have become a more ethical and responsible company.Â
The appeal against TfL's decision will be heard in June.