Defibrillators given to London Taxi drivers for first response life saving scheme

A new trial will see some of London's iconic black taxi drivers trained in basic life-saving techniques and taught how to use potentially life-saving electronic devices such as defibrillators. The new initiative set up by London Ambulance Service will alert the trained taxi drivers of a nearby emergency through an app called GoodSAM. The drivers will then hopefully be able to administer first aid which could include the use of a defibrillator. According to a report in the Evening Standard , survival rates increase from below 10 percent to more than 50 percent when trained "good samaritans" use defibrillators. Thirty London cabbies are involved in the trial which will last six months, with 15 of them being given defibrillators to carry with them in their vehicles. The initiative to use London's iconic taxi drivers, who some call "London's forth emergency service" , was suggested by the LTDA (London Taxi Drivers Association). If the trial is successful we could see many more London taxi drivers undergoing first aid training to assist Londoners in their moment of need.