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North East Lincolnshire taxi and private hire drivers urged to keep vehicles in peak condition follo

Perry Richardson

Licensing officers from North East Lincolnshire Council carried out a series of late-night checks on taxi drivers in the local area. The inspections came ahead of the winter weather and the festive period. Council officers, working with officers from Humberside Police, undertook 45 random spot check inspections on licensed private hire and hackney carriage vehicles. The inspections are frequently carried out to check the state of the vehicle, that clear signage is in place and that the driver has their ID badge. During the course of the December checks, the following issues were found: 

  • Front and rear indicators were found not to be working on one vehicle. The Police issued a defect notice and the vehicle was immediately suspended from use.

  • ABS light was on constantly during an inspection. The Police issued a vehicle defect notice.

  • One driver was found to be without his ID badge.

  • One driver was given advice about wearing a seat belt.

  • One driver was given advice on sticking to the speed limit.

  • Six vehicles were found to be unclean.

  • Eight drivers received advice regarding tyres that were close to the legal limit.

  • Eight vehicles were found to have minor defects with their lights.

  • One driver was found without a tariff card.

  • One vehicle had slight damage to it. Advice was issued to the driver on getting it fixed.

Councillor David Bolton, portfolio holder for licensing, said: “These checks are a routine piece of work for our licensing officers, working in partnership with Humberside Police. “We are now approaching the Christmas party season, and lots of people will be out enjoying themselves, expecting to climb into a taxi at the end of the night. “The last thing we want is for any of those taxi’s to be in an unsafe condition, putting people’s lives at risk. We urge taxi drivers in our borough to stick to the rules and ensure that their vehicles are in peak condition at all times. “If drivers aren’t sure what they should be doing, they can contact the Council’s licensing team for more information.” 

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