Fake Taxi adult channel enthusiast still patrolling University city - but now has additional sticker

A law student who was allegedly trying to convince girls to take a ride in his fake “Fake Taxi” is still roaming the streets of Coventry months after first being spotted. A warning was issued by Coventry University to all female students to stay well clear of the man who had been seen parked up nearby in his vehicle which had the infamous porn channel “Fake Taxi” stickers advertised on the outside. West Midlands police had confirmed that they had spoken to the man but were unable to charge him with any offences. In the latest sightings which have been reported in The Tab, the vehicle has now been updated with some additional stickers including one that reads “I love my girlfriend”, “Gas, grass or ass - No one pays for free” and “If you get any closer you’d better have a condom”. The initial report was seen by the real Fake Taxi adult channel, which they responded to. They completely denied having any links with the man and his vehicle and even advised on social media for people to “Avoid”. People are still advised to not get in the vehicle and to only use trusted services although the man has since said he is just doing it as a bet and has no bad intentions.