Taxi drivers claim victory in Barcelona: Uber and Cabify service on the ropes
It has been reported in Catalan News that Barcelona’s cabbies are claiming victory in the ongoing war between the taxi industry and ride-hailing app providers.
The Regional Government of Catalonia have proposed an ammendment to an existing proposal that will in effect set a lead time for ride-hailing services to a one hour minimum advance. This proposal is a significant change from the original 15 minute advance booking time, which primpted furious cabbies to block parts of Barcelona in protest. According to the Catalan news source, Cabify’s Global Head of Regulation, Marta Plana said: “The Catalan government has conceded to the blackmail of taxi drivers," "Taxis have won," added Josep Maria Goñi, president of Unauto ride-sharing companies association. Taxi drivers in Barcelona will hold a crunch meeting on Wednesday to decide whether they will accept the Catalan Governments proposals, or continue protesting.