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Steve Kenton

"Code Brown" as Aussie cabbie caught short

A cab driver has been fined after being caught answering the call of nature on a footpath in Victoria, Australia last Monday.

Police in Lilydale caught the man "Brown handed" as he assumed the position and squatted in Chirnside Park, Melbourne.

He was handed an evidence bag and was forced to pick up the offending faeces before before being fined $645. The incident led to Police community liaison group Eyewatch posting a picture of the fine on its Facebook page with the tagline "We have a Code Brown. I repeat, we have a Code Brown." With the maxim "perfect planning prevents poor performance" in mind, It is believed that the cabbie was even armed with his own roll of toilet tissue. Upon hearing of the incident, various social media outlets sprayed the net with a plethora of poo-based puns. There is however a serious side as it was revealed that street-dumping jas become a major problem, with San Francisco having over 21,000 reported incidents in the last year. 

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