Fake Uber driver who abducted and killed student in South Carolina may be linked to another kidnappi

A fake Uber driver who has been charged with abducting and killing a college student in Columbia, South Carolina has been linked to another kidnapping which occured five months earlier.
Samantha Josephson had ordered an Uber to take her home from the Bird Dog bar in Columbia, Southern Carolina.
However the vehicle that she got into, a black Chevrolet Impala, was not the Uber vehicle that she ordered.
She was subsequently murdered and her body dumped in Clarendon County, approximately 65 miles from where she was last seen alive.
Nathaniel David Rowland, 24, was then charged with abducting and killing the 21 year old.
It has however been reported in The Sun that warrants as well as other police documents show that Rowland was arrested on October 19 2018 in South Carolina for allegedly attempting to sell items stolen during a different woman’s kidnapping. A woman reported to Columbia police that she was caejacked and assaulted by two men and then forced to withdraw money from a cash machine.
She was then made to drive to her home which was subsequently robbed by the two. Columbia police then revealed that some of the stolen property then materialised at a pawn shop.
The stolen items were then tracked back to Rowland and he was later arrested.
Uber has not commented on samantha Josephson's murder but have said that riders that they should ensure they are getting in the right vehicle.
Image Source: Columbia PDSC