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Private hire driver who deliberately drove his vehicle into a man has a new licence granted by Glasg

Michael Murphy

A private hire driver who deliberately mowed down a man at a petrol station in Glasgow’s West End has been granted a new licence, according to a report in the Glasgow Live Gary Anderson was convicted for assault by endangering someone’s life, following a collision with a pedestrian in November 2015.

Glasgow City's licensing committee heard how Anderson drove his private hire car at the man, knocking him to the ground before fleeing the scene. 

Anderson was called to appear before the licensing committee on Thursday morning to explain his actions. Members of the committee were informed by Anderson's representative that he had no prior convictions and had not been in trouble with the law since the incident in 2015.  As reported, Solicitor Mr Banks, said: “My client was a private hire car driver for two years but was suspended three and a half years ago. When he sought legal advice for this offence, he was advised to plead guilty during the trial. “He received an extremely lenient sentence for this crime as he was told to complete a community payback order. “At the time of the offence he was not acting as a cab driver and had gone to the garage to get milk. The complainer had started to comment on Mr Anderson’s driving ability. “As my client began to drive away the pedestrian ran over to the car and hit it with a can. Mr Anderson then collided with the man who received relatively minor injuries. “My client says he was not driving very fast at the time.” Mr Anderson was asked why he left the scene. Councillor Alex Wilson wanted an explanation to why Anderson drove off after hitting his victim instead of stopping at he scene. 

Wilson said: “It is very lucky that this gentleman only sustained some bruising to the body. He could have ended up underneath the vehicle. “Why didn’t you stay to make sure he was okay?” Mr Anderson replied: “I left because he had chased me out the garage which the CCTV clearly shows.” Following the hearing, committee members decided in favour of granting Anderson a new licence. 

Image: Source; Google maps

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