CASH MACHINE DASH: Police search for hooded bilker who ran from cabbie after THIRTY MILE trip

Police are searching for a hooded bilker who travelled more than 30-miles from Brough to Keswick before running off and away from a frustrated cabbie.
Police are investigating an offence of making off without payment which occurred on 17 August 2022 around 5.30pm at Shell Fuel Station, Penrith Road, Keswick.
According to police sources, a man got a cab from outside One Stop Shop, Brough, and asked to be dropped off in Keswick. The man, described to have between their mid to late 20’s, told the driver he needed to go to a cash machine to pay for the taxi fare. Upon arriving at the cash machine, the man however ran off before withdrawing any money or paying the taxi driver.
A police spokesperson said: "The man was around 5ft 11ins to 6ft tall, aged approximately mid to late 20s and was of slim build and had dark brown facial hair.
"At the time he was wearing a black hoody with a slogan written on the front, light grey joggers and black trainers."
Anyone with information relating to this incident can report online at, quoting incident number 211 of 17/08/2022. You can also phone on 101.
Alternatively, you can contact Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.