COMPLIANCE: City of London Police hand out 21 TORs to minicabs and taxis in night of enforcement
Updated: Mar 5, 2023

City of London police officers dished out a whopping 21 Traffic Offence Notices (TOR) to minicabs and taxis after a night of enforcement checks in the Square Mile.
The checks were supported by Transport for London’s (TfL) taxi and private hire licensing team and saw a total of 36 vehicles stopped on Friday 24 February.
In all, 28 vehicles were deemed non-compliant due to either offences committed or licensing issues detected.
24 of those were PHVs deemed to be non-compliant in comparison to 4 black cabs. Some of the offences noted included lighting regulations, no seatbelt, obstruction of view, tyre deflects, VRMs not compliant and one vehicle found in a ‘dangerous condition’.
A City Police Officers spokespersons said via social media: “City Roads Police Unit supporting #OpReframe with our partners TfL Taxi and Private Hire last night to make travel safer for all.
“36 taxi/PHV stopped. 21 Traffic Offence Reports. 78% were found not to be compliant with rules set out by TfL
“If taxi or private hire - make sure you’re compliant.”