Littering illegally parked London minicab driver tells police officer “I don’t consent to your laws”
Updated: Mar 7, 2021

A London private hire driver has been slammed by police and reported to Transport for London (TfL) following a number of offences, including being parked illegally in a Blue Badge holder's space, littering, not wearing a seatbelt and telling officers that he doesn’t consent to “our laws”.
Royal Parks Police came across the driver illegally parked in Hyde Park. After having no valid reason for parking in the allocated bay, he was issued with a parking ticket. Officers have stated that at this point the driver threw the piece of paper out the window.
Officers were then left confused when the driver stated that he does not consent to “our laws”.
The astonishing incident has been highlighted by the force on their official Twitter account @MPSRoyal_Parks: “Hyde Park, Private hire driver reported for parking in a blue badge holders space, no valid reason. Littering, throwing ticket out the window, failing to wear a seatbelt, and now to TfL after stating he doesn’t consent to our laws.”
The private hire driver could now face a licensing hearing with Transport for London, so he can explain his actions and statement. If found to be no longer fit-and-proper to hold a private hire driver’s licence, he could see a revocation issued.