New policy to introduce a dress code for taxi drivers in Aberdeen being considered

Aberdeen City Council are considering introducing a dress code for taxi drivers licensed to work in the city.
The possibility of the new dress code policy was revealed in a public consultation launched by the council and which closes on Friday 26 February.
The consultation covers a number of proposed policy changes for the local licensed taxi and private hire trade.
The council believes the introduction of a dress code will create a more professional image of the trade in the eyes of tourists, business visitors and the resident population.
Details of what the new dress code could look like have not been revealed as of yet.
Other proposals being considered in the consultation include the easing of CCTV restrictions and alternative fuel vehicles criteria.
The council is proposing an updated policy which provides minimum specifications for CCTV systems, while dropping the current policy which limits which models can be purchased by drivers.
The council says this would retain the purpose of the current policy without being “overly restrictive“, allowing the trade a greater degree of choice whilst retaining the necessary controls.
Currently, licensing conditions state that alternative fuelled vehicles are permitted to be licensed subject to certain criteria. The new proposal would require all vehicles to be alternative fuelled vehicles by a set date; this date was not revealed.
A spokesperson for the council said: “In the context of the council’s decision to develop a Net Zero Transition Plan, the Chief Officer Governance, was asked to report to the Licensing Committee with proposals to consult with the taxi and private hire trade on options for transition to alternative powered vehicles.
”This will have to be considered alongside other policies such as the WAV (Wheelchair accessible vehicles) policy and that on age of vehicles.
”The timescale will be partly dependent on the provision of suitable infrastructure to make the policy viable.”