SHOCKED! Black taxi fails licensing test for displaying incorrect FONT on insurance certificate
Updated: Mar 19, 2022
Taxi drivers were left SHOCKED after a black cab failed its annual vehicle inspection due to an insurance certificate displaying an INCORRECT FONT.
The taxi driver whose vehicle failed the test shared a snippet of the results calling the action ‘petty’. The vehicle must now go through a whole new inspection within 28-days to obtain a new 12-month taxi vehicle licence.
Transport for London (TfL) charge a £66 non refundable Application fee and a £44 Grant of Licence fee. Re-tests are offered for free within 28-days at one of TfL’s centres.
All black cabs must display a valid insurance certificate in the approved position whilst also complying with current Taxi Hire and Reward Insurance requirements.
According to the Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle Licensing Inspection Manual, there are several checks conducted when it comes to taxi insurance. These include:
Current hire and reward insurance, the vehicle insurance certificate, cover note or bond certificate has been presented for inspection
No alterations have been made to the document
Where applicable the VRM matches all other documents
The insurance certificate, cover note or bond certificate is current
The insurance certificate, cover note or bond certificate is signed on behalf of the insurer
The certificate/cover note or bond certificate is an original document
Bond certificate or block insurance certificate is in the name of the registered keeper.
The insurance schedule document lists all VRMs covered under block insurance cover.
Insurance details are displayed in authorised position in clear view.
Insurance details displayed does not obscure driver or passenger vision from the vehicle or interfere with vehicle safety systems (such as air bags)
Insurance details displayed are not hand written.
People on social media called the failure ‘pathetic’ and ‘seriously unbelievable’.