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TAXI CCTV MADE MANDATORY: Bolsover Council brings in new taxi and PHV safety measure

Perry Richardson

Bolsover Council have approved a new policy making it mandatory for CCTV to be used in its licensed taxis and private hire vehicles.

The Department for Transport (DfT) issued new standards in 2020 stating that local authorities should consider mandating CCTV if local circumstances indicate it would be beneficial.

And with a number of high profile investigations into child sexual exploitation locally, the council felt the need to investigate the possibility of introducing CCTV. A consultation exercise was carried out between September and November 2021 and after evaluating the responses the Licensing Committee agreed to approve the formulation of the CCTV policy.

Councillors heard that by introducing the policy it would have the following benefits:

  • deterring and preventing crime;

  • reducing the fear of crime;

  • assisting the police in investigating crime;

  • assisting insurance companies in investigating motor vehicle accidents.

Councillor Ray Heffer, Chair of Licensing, said: “I am pleased that the policy has been approved by full Council as taxis and private hire vehicles should be a safe environment for people.

“The overall aim is to improve passenger and driver safety and we felt the introduction of CCTV is one which would have a positive effect on reassuring users of taxis and private hire vehicles that Bolsover District is a safe place.”

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