TfL proposes St. Thomas Street to reopen one-way and access only

Since the street was closed there has been a heightened emphasis from Transport for London on the environment and reducing pollution, creating healthier places. As a result TfL are now proposing to reopen the street one-way – westbound – for access only.
Access only includes deliveries to the premises along the street, taxis picking-up and dropping-off at The Shard and for residents. TfL say this will keep traffic to a minimum and make the place better for people walking and people cycling.
The main changes people will notice apart from the reopening and resurfacing by Network Rail will be new signs (No entry except for access etc) and lines marked on the street (indicating taxi ranks etc). As a result of these proposals general traffic will no longer be able to drive onto St Thomas St eastbound from Borough High Street.
Since the closure this has mainly been taxis, private hire and deliveries but according to TfL there is often congestion and risks from turning vehicles. By making it one-way the capital’s regulators are hoping to remove the delays and hold-ups caused by turning vehicles, the extra pollution they cause, and reduce the risk of vehicles colliding with people walking and cycling Taxis, private hire, delivery and servicing vehicles, people cycling and disabled blue badge holders will be able to access St Thomas St westbound from its junction with Crucifix Lane and Bermondsey St. to access The Shard and other businesses along St Thomas St.