London Mayor reveals London bus collisions stand FOUR times higher than the capital’s taxi fleet
Statistics released by City Hall reveals London bus collisions are four times higher than that of the capital’s taxi fleet. Data reveals a total of 1,973 collisions involving buses compared to 516 marked against taxis in 2017. New data for 2018 is due for release in the summer. Transport for London manages the bus network which accounts for around 9,300 vehicles. That figure stands at half the number of taxis currently registered in the capital standing at 20,136 as of 31st March 2019. London Mayor Sadiq Khan said: “At the end of 2016 the Metropolitan Police Service implemented the Case Overview and Preparation Application system. This allows the reporting of personal injury collisions involving taxis, private hire vehicles, buses and coaches to be shown as four separate categories from 2017 onwards. “Finalised figures for 2017 show that 516 collisions involved a taxi and 1,973 collisions involved a bus, as reported by the police at the scene of the collision or self-reported by a member of the public. “Road danger reduction figures for 2018, including a breakdown of collisions involving taxis, private hire vehicles, buses and coaches, are currently being fully verified and will be published later in the summer.”