Drunk female taxi passenger bites policeman after driver calls for assistance

A Belfast policeman has been hospitalised after receiving a skin piercing bite from a drunk female taxi passenger.
The incident happened during the early hours of Sunday morning in Magherafelt after officers were flagged down by a concerned taxi driver who was struggling to communicate with the woman.
A police officer, posting on Magherfelt PSNI's Facebook page, said the taxi driver had asked them to help because his passenger was "very drunk" and did not know where she lived.
The officers spoke to the woman, who appeared to be half asleep, through the open window.
"Next thing we know, we’re getting met with an onslaught of obscenities as the taxi door is kicked open and the previously sleeping passenger is now anything but," the officer said.
"The subsequent actions of the individual in question left three officers injured with one being hospitalised after being severely bitten. The officer now has an agonising wait on blood test results to confirm whether or not they have not been infected with a virus.
"Disgusting and unacceptable behaviour towards those who were only trying to help, starting with the taxi driver, simply trying to get her home."
The woman is due to appear in court for a range of offences.
Image: Source; Wikimedia Commons
Image: Author; Ardfern