Merseyside police reveal number of taxi and private hire drivers arrested for drink or drug driving

Merseyside Police have today revealed the number of taxi or private hire drivers that have been arrested for drink or drug driving in the region.
They took to Twitter to announce that 114 taxi or private hire vehicle drivers have been arrested for drink or drug driving in a 365 day period, which broke down into 11 drink offences and 103 drug offences.
54 of those drivers were licensed by Liverpool County Council, 40 licensed by Sefton Council and 15 by Knowsley Council, with 5 from other areas.
A Merseyside Police spokesperson said: “Drink and drug driving is a serious offence and leaves our communities vulnerable.
“All motorists have a duty of care to themselves, those they are travelling with and other road users which is why it is particularly important that taxi drivers and private hire companies consider the risks they may be putting themselves and others in if they’re found to be driving whilst using drink or drugs.
While these drivers represent a small minority, the potential danger they present, not just to themselves but to other road users and pedestrians cannot be ignored and should be taken extremely seriously. That’s why as a force we regularly undertake roadside operations to stop those who take to the roads while impaired through drink or drugs."
The spokesperson added: “We’d like to remind everyone to think for a minute about the effects of a drink and drug driving conviction will have on you and your family, the shame and ruin that it can bring. Do not think that you won’t get caught. Our officers conduct roadside tests, morning afternoon and evening and we arrest countless drivers every month throughout the year. Don’t chance it – if you’re driving, it’s better to have none for the road.”
Image Source: Twitter
Image Author Merseyside Police