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Scottish union reps demand ‘IMMEDIATE RELEASE’ of vital support funds promised to taxi and PHV trade

Perry Richardson

Private hire driver representatives have demanded the ‘immediate release’ by the Scottish Government of vital funds promised to the taxi and private hire industry before the recent Scottish elections.

Concerned officials from the App Drivers and Couriers Union Scotland (ADCU) wrote to Kate Forbes, Scotland's Cabinet Secretary for Finance, highlighting support was needed now and that drivers ‘cannot wait 100 days’ for it to arrive.

The letter says: “We are demanding the immediate announcement of details and the immediate release of funds for a second grant to all taxi and private hire drivers in line with your election pledge. We also implore you to go further than that pledge and announce a funding level matching the level seen in Wales where the second round of driver grants equalled £2,000.

“Additionally, we are demanding the immediate announcement of details and the immediate release of funds of the £10,000 grant to be made available to operators.”

A spokesperson from ADCU Scotland added on social media: “We have written to Kate Forbes to demand the immediate distribution of support funds to taxi/PH trade.

“We cannot wait 100 days.

“Glasgow staying at Level 3 is a "material change of circumstances". Support needed now!”

Taxi firms across Scotland were promised grants of £10,000 if the SNP were re-elected earlier this month. The SNP also made a promise to taxi drivers that they will be able to claim a second £1,500 payment to assist them through the pandemic.

The future grants were announced as part of the SNP’s ‘First Steps’ plan which details the party’s planned actions over the next 100 days after the elections

In the published plan it states the SNP will ‘provide a second payment of £1,500 to each taxi driver who previously received a Covid grant and up to £10,000 for taxi operator firms to help them through these difficult times’.

Unite Scotland have long been calling on the Scottish Government to deliver the £10,000 grant to each taxi operator, plus an additional second cash grant to cabbies to help them recover from the devastating financial impact of COVID-19 since the turn of the year.

The £10,000 figure for operators would be the equivalent handed to other small business owners, whilst the additional second cash grant would be provided to drivers as part of the £57million Coronavirus (COVID-19): Taxi and Private Hire Driver Support Fund.

In December 2020, an online survey of over 200 taxi drivers released by Unite Scotland highlighted that many drivers are regularly working 16-17-hour days with a shift being determined as having been ‘good’ if £50 is cleared.

The survey also showed that 30% of drivers had at the time been unable to access any financial help from government support schemes. For those that had been able to access financial help from government, the biggest group (37%) reported that it represented less than 25% of their average earnings.

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