Michael MurphyJan 8, 20221 min readMerseyside private hire driver used his job & other drivers as a way to disguise drug runs
Michael MurphyJan 6, 20222 min readTfL should fund & fast-track minicab drivers to help them become London black cabbies says ADCU
Michael MurphyJan 4, 20221 min readPHV driver said he DIDN'T THINK IT WAS AN ISSUE to park on ZigZag lines while grabbing fast-food
Michael MurphyJan 2, 20221 min readNHS nurse left in tears after Uber allegedly charged £152 for fare which was previously quoted £60
Michael MurphyDec 29, 20211 min readPrivate hire drivers shut down Glasgow central in protest against lack of financial support
Michael MurphyDec 29, 20211 min read12 London PHV drivers were SUCCESSFULLY PROSECUTED for refusing to take guide dogs in 2021
Michael MurphyDec 24, 20212 min read'DRIVERS ARE DROWNING IN DEBT': App Drivers & Couriers Union write open letter to gig-economy bosses
Michael MurphyDec 23, 20212 min readBiggest tip given to Bolt driver this year was £14 & longest trip 135 miles long UK data shows
Michael MurphyDec 20, 20212 min readPHV operators must make sure they are OPERATING LAWFULLY following High Court Uber ruling say TfL
Michael MurphyDec 19, 20211 min readLIGHTS CAMERA ACTION: Two London private hire vehicles smash into lights simultaneously
Michael MurphyDec 19, 20211 min read'TREAD'-BARE: Liverpool PHV driver reported for operating on dangerous tyre with CORDS EXPOSED
Michael MurphyDec 18, 20211 min read'WE LOOK FORWARD TO WORKING CLOSELY WITH TFL' say Ola following London licence decision
Michael MurphyDec 17, 20211 min readFree trips worth up to £10,000 won by passenger of Uber’s BILLIONTH UK journey as driver wins car
Michael MurphyDec 17, 20212 min readNEW UK TAXI BOOKING NETWORK: Nexus Vehicle Rental launches ride-hailing app in partnership with CMAC
Michael MurphyDec 15, 20211 min readDay of enforcement sees a number of suspensions issued to taxi & private hire cars in Liverpool
Michael MurphyDec 13, 20211 min readZERO TOLERANCE: Private Hire driver reported for leaving vehicle on hackney taxi rank
Michael MurphyDec 12, 20211 min read6 taxi & private hire vehicles suspended for operating with defective tyres and lights in Nottingham
Michael MurphyDec 12, 20211 min readPolice & local authority join forces to ensure safe taxi rides & clamp down on PHVs plying for hire
Michael MurphyDec 12, 20212 min readSouth Staffordshire Council hands over all taxi & private hire licensing to Wolverhampton Council
Michael MurphyDec 10, 20211 min readSHORT BACK & INSIDES: 2 Liverpool PHVs handed suspension notices for use of illegal tyres